Jun 2Liked by Coffee + Crumbs

"The garden isn’t a place for perfection, if you ask me. It’s a place to try new things and dream and slow down. It’s an exercise in patience and unhurried work. It’s an opportunity to ask myself, What will I keep? What will I leave behind? What new things will I grow?"

This. This is what has been drawing me to the idea of gardening lately. This idea of presence, patience, trust, faith, and celebrating slow growth. All things that have been piquing my heart in this season.

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Jun 2Liked by Coffee + Crumbs

Love the newsletter ❤️ Hyper-specific question after reading: whoever is reading Grief is for People-I just got it from the library! What did you think?

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Jun 1Liked by Coffee + Crumbs

This was exactly what I needed right now, Molly!! I just planted my first garden in at least 4 years and it’s been a delight!

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Was literally standing in line to buy a cart full of flowers while reading this (and tearing up of course). Will be spending the day in the garden thinking about these words.

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Jun 1Liked by Coffee + Crumbs

This is my favorite June 1 essay of all time. All the applause for the sports app calendar syncer 👏🏼🤣Here’s to deciding what new things to grow from here ✨

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