Coffee + Crumbs Podcast
Bonus Episode: TIHWD Extracurriculars

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Bonus Episode: TIHWD Extracurriculars


Lord knows, there’s no lack of options for our kids to be involved in these days: soccer, tap, youth group, chess club, the list goes on and on. From sports to performing arts and everything in between, today we’re diving deep into our own childhoods first—what worked? what didn’t?—before assessing how we approach extracurriculars with our kids. Leaving plenty of room for nuance, we talk about the pros (teamwork! grit!) and cons (the expense! being overscheduled!), ultimately circling back to one of our favorite words: stewardship. We hope this conversation relieves some of the pressure you might feel to say yes to all the things and encourages you to pursue extracurriculars for your kids—quality over quantity style—that make them come to life.

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Coffee + Crumbs Podcast
The Coffee + Crumbs Podcast is your companion for kitchen cleanups, stroller walks, or the daily carpool hustle. Join hosts Ashlee Gadd, Katie Blackburn, and Jill Atogwe as they chat about the beautiful, holy work of motherhood. We hope you leave this show feeling safe, known, encouraged and loved.