Sep 19Liked by Coffee + Crumbs

Oh my goodness do I feel this resonating in my bones...thank you for putting down in words exactly the tension I feel caught in as a new mother overwhelmed by all the expectations and ideologies of what that means in the world.

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Thank you, Ned. So thankful these words met you.

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Sep 18Liked by Coffee + Crumbs

I very much enjoyed reading this and sent it along to a few mom friends. Such a good depiction of motherhood and finding yourself again. I’m so happy you started writing again so that I could read this 💚

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Thank you for sharing this with your friends. That is the biggest compliment to us!

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JILLIAN. JILLIAN. This essay is 🔥🔥🔥

(Also, loved the poem in the centre 😉)

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Sep 18Liked by Coffee + Crumbs

Wow!!! Your writing 😍 Loved this! And loved the subtle shift of you writing again and knowing your kids will benefit from you thriving too 👏🏻

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Thank you for reading, Katie!

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