β€œIt was because any failure, even failing to keep a plant alive, made me feel like I was a failure. I couldn't risk failing at one more thing. So I couldn't even have a houseplant.” Sarah, I relate to this so much and also the gift of being on the other side of that darkness now πŸ’› Thank you for writing and sharing the lessons from the dark to draw others into the light.

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Thank you for sharing and reading, Aly.

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Sep 3Liked by Coffee + Crumbs

I relate with soooo much of this.

Also, after the taumatic birth of my firstborn that nearly killed both of us and ended in an emergency c-section, a kind friend brought me an orchid in the hospital to care for. An orchid. To care for. And I did, for a month, while I cleaned my house during the night while my baby didn't sleep.

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Oh no! Orchids are so hard to care for.

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