Jul 1Liked by Coffee + Crumbs

I love all of this! Thank you all for sharing your lives, stories, and amazing talent/gift/work with all your readers. Each and every essay, podcast, post has blssed me, encouraged me, and reminded me that I not alone.

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We are so thankful you are here in our community, Crystal.

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Jul 1Liked by Coffee + Crumbs

Hugs to you!

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Muah! Thank you for reading and walking with us over the years, Crystal!

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Jul 1Liked by Coffee + Crumbs

Congratulations on a decade!! C+C has been such a blessing in my motherhood journey. I'll never forget listening to the first podcast episode back in 2017 and feeling for the first time like I wasn't alone ❤️

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Thank you for being here for the last seven years!

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Jul 1Liked by Coffee + Crumbs

You ladies have blessed me in my motherhood journey is more ways than you will ever know. Thank you for your work and sharing it with the world ❤️

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Jul 1Liked by Coffee + Crumbs

Thanks for being a reader, Ann Marie!

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Thank you, Ann Marie. This means so much to us.

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Jul 2Liked by Coffee + Crumbs

Happy Birthday C+C! I’ll never forget the day a friend sent me a link to the C+C podcast—and interview with Elise Cripe about working motherhood. I was in the weeds of postpartum depression and was struggling to find my footing as a work-from-home mom without childcare. I listened on a walk and felt, for the first time since becoming a mother 9 months prior, like I wasn’t alone in the struggle. Such a gift you ladies are to the Internet 💛

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Thankful for you!

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Jul 1Liked by Coffee + Crumbs

Wow. What a joy this was to read! Sitting in the car after a trip to the zoo, 1 year old sleeping, 3 year old in a chill mood so instead of hauling all the things inside, I choose to chill myself: “Emi want to listen to music?” “MY LITTLE PONY??” “Sure why not?” 😂 Perfect time to read and relax. And wow, it’s really fascinating seeing what 10 years of life brings.. and how fast I’m sure time flies! Since I’m closer to the starting line of motherhood, your writing helps me appreciate the season I’m in and also have faith that the harder parts of this season will pass. Love to you all!

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Oh Meagan, yes to all of this. Thank you for being here.

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Jul 1Liked by Coffee + Crumbs

Thank you all. 💕💕💕

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22 hrs agoLiked by Coffee + Crumbs

Happy birthday C+C! I loved reading this then & now reflection, and am so thankful for all the ways C+C has been a part of my motherhood journey—all the beautiful essays, incredible podcast episodes, and, of course, Exhale!

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Jul 3Liked by Coffee + Crumbs

So much has happened and changed in these 10 years! But also, so much has stayed the same - the beauty and honesty you’ve offered over the years has been a constant. The writing and conversations I’ve soaked up over the past ten years have profoundly shaped my motherhood and I’m so grateful I found this wonderful corner of the Internet. Happy Birthday C+C!!

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Thank you for being here, Courtney!

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Jul 2Liked by Coffee + Crumbs

How beautiful to share then vs. now! I am so grateful to all who have shared their stories over the years. I am pretty sure I found C+C even before I became a mother, but even then so much of it resonated with me. It is invaluable to know that other moms feel or have felt the same way I do at various times, and they have the courage to share it.

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Thank you, Amy!

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Jul 2Liked by Coffee + Crumbs

Happiest birthday, C+C!!! 🎉🎉🎉

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Jul 2Liked by Coffee + Crumbs

😭 this was absolutely beautiful to read, and I tear up thinking what 2034 will look like. God isn’t done!

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13 hrs agoLiked by Coffee + Crumbs

y’all truly make a difference in this world 💜 thank you for sharing your beautiful writing and wonderful podcast episodes with us!!

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Thank you!

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Jul 4Liked by Coffee + Crumbs

Reading this with two littles of my own, and seeing through your writing how quickly they transform into teenagers and adults, makes my heart squeeze! How fast it all flies by. Thank you for consistently showing up to the paper (legal pad or google doc ☺️)

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This summer marks 6 years since a friend gifted me The Magic of Motherhood when I was pregnant with our first: twins! Six years and four kids later, I haven’t missed even one episode of the podcast and try to read most essays. You have offered me perspective, camaraderie and laughter in my motherhood journey. Thank you!

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